日期:2022-04-19 浏览:12人次 来源:深圳家教信息网


1.____he does has nothing to do with me.

   A. whatever  B. No matter what  C. That  D. If

2.  The manager came over and asked the customer how____

   A. did the quarrel came about    B .the quarrel had come about

   C. had the quarrel come about    D. had the quarrel come about

3.  Energy is ____makes thing work..

   A. what B. something C. anything   D. that

4.  Information has been put  forward ____ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities.

   A. while B. that C. when D. as

5.  This is ___the shenzhou V Spaceship landed.

   A. there   B. in which   C. where   D. when

6.  They have no idea at all____.

   A. where he has gone        B. where did he go

C. which place has he gone   D. where has he gone

7.  The doctor did a lot to reduce the patient’s fear ____he would die of the disease.

   A.   that   B.  which   C. of which   D.  of that

8.  The order came ___the soldiers ____the small village the next morning.

   A.  that ;had to leave   B.  that; should leave

   C.  /; must leave       D.  when; should leave

9.  ___is no possibility ____Bob can win the first prize in the match.

   A. There; that   B. It; that   C. there; whether  D. It; whether

10. The question came up at the meeting_____ we had enough money for our research.

   A. that   B. which   C. whether   D. if

11. Is _____he said really true?

   A. that  B.  what  C. why   D. whether

12.____the meeting should last two days or three days doesn’t matter.

   A. That  B. Whether  C. If   D. Where

13. It worried her a bit _____her hair was turning gray.

   A. while   B. if     C. that  D. for

14. ¬¬¬_____more countries can use natural energy in the future remains to be seen.

   A. Whether   B. This   C. who   D. If

15.____he will go to work in a mountain village surprises all of us.

   A. What  B. That   C. Whether   D. If

16. ____you don’t like him is none of my business.

   A. What  B. That    C. Who     D. How

17.____all the inventions have in common is ____they have succeeded.

   A. What; what  B. That; that   C. what; that  D. That ; what

18. ____appeared to me that he enjoyed the food very much.

   A. What      B. It         C. All that     D. That

19. It is widely ______that smoking can cause cancer.

   A. believed   B.  think     C. say        D. hoped

20. ____caused the accident is still a complete mystery.

   A. What    B. That     C. How    D. Where

21. ____he always serves the people very well is known.

   A. What    B. That     C. Which   D. Who

22.____has passed the test will get a prize .

   A. Whoever    B. No mater who   C. Whomever  D. Who

23.Is____ true that the famous scientist will give us a lecture next week?

   A that      B it        C his     D he

24.It has not been decided ___ they will leave for New York.

   A. when    B why      C that     D what

25. Obviously___ we do morning exercises every day ___ us good.

   A. that do    B. if; do     C what; does  D. that; dose

26 It is said____ ____ was all ___ he said.

   A that; that; that  B what; what; what   C that; which; what  D that; that; which

27___ gets home first is to cook the supper.

   A. Who     B Whom   C. Those who   D. Whoever

28___ moved us most was___ he liked after the old man for more than twenty years.

   A. That; that   B. What; that   C What; what   D. That; what

29.___ you did it is not known to all.

  A. Who       B. What    C. How     D. Which

30.___ you do should be well done.

  A How       B. That     C. Whatever   D Why

31. The reason I plan to go is___ she will be disappointed if I don’t.

  A. because    B. that      C. thanks to   D. what

32. What time do you think__?

  A. will Tom come back     B. Tom will come back

  C. is Tom coming back     D. can Tom get here

33. The teacher said that light___ faster than sound.

  A. Has traveled  B. traveled  C. had traveled  D. travels

34..___ is still a question___ will win.

  A. It; that   B. It; who   C. That; who   D. This; that

35. If you know___ it was that write A Tale of Two Cities, raise your hand.

  A. whom   B. which    C. who   D. that

36. In some countries,___ are called “public schools” are not owned by the state.

  A. that     B. which    C. as    D. what

37. Thinking___ you know___ in fact you don’t is a terrible mistake.

  A. that; that   B. what; what   C. that; what   D. what that

38. Whether ways will be found to stop pollution or not is just___ worries the public.

  A. why       B. which      C. that      D. what

39. Why don’t you bring___ to his attention that you are too busy to do it?

  A. that     B. what    C. that     D. it

40.___ David says sounds right to Helen. That’s why she has made up her mind to leave with him___ happens.

  A. whatever; whatever                B. No matter what; whatever  

C. No matter what; No matter what     D. Whatever; however

41. That is___ I was born and grew up.

  A. There   B. in which   C. where    D. the place

42.___ she was invited to the ball made her very happy.

  A. What   B. That      C. When     D. Because

43.___ we are doing has never been done before.

  A. That   B. What      C. Which    D. Whether

44.---Have you found your book yet?

  ---No, I’m not sure___ I could have left it.

  A. whether  B. where    C. when    D. why

45. The doctor couldn’t answer the question___ the patient could survive that night.

  A. if      B. that      C. whether   D. what

46. I firmly believe___ he said at the meeting was right.

  A. that    B. which     C. that what  D. what that

47.---What were you trying to prove to the police?

  ---___ I was last night.

  A. That   B. When     C. Where    D. What

48. I think, though I could be mistaken, __ he liked me.

  A. who   B. which     C. that      D. what

49. At the meeting, we discussed___ we should employ more workers.

  A. if    B. whether    C. that      D. /

50. After___ seemed like hours he came out with a bitter smile.

  A. which  B. it       C. what      D. That




1. Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer ______ it was 20 years ago.

 A. what     B. that    C. which    D. before

2. ______ he will come is uncertain

 A. what        B. if       C. whether      D. which

3. ______ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.

 A. Anyone      B. The person        C. Whoever     D. Who

4.— Hurry up! Alice and Sue are waiting for you at the school gate.

 — Oh! I thought they ______ without me.  

 A.went       B.are going      C.have gone         D.had gone

5. They have no idea at all ________.

A. where he has gone            B. where did he go

C. which place has he gone        D. where has he gone

6.The teacher demanded that the work _____ before 4 o’clock.

   A. finished      B. be finished     C. should finish    D. finish

7. The chairman thought ______ necessary to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting.            

A.that        B.it     C.this       D.him

8. – I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week .

   -- Is that ___you had a few days off?

 A why         B when           C what        D where

9. It is generally considered unwise to give a child _______ he or she wants.

 A. however      B. whatever        C. whichever          D. whenever

10. _______ we can't get seems better than _______ we have.

A. What; what       B. What; that  C. That; that       D. That; what


1. Two thirds of all girls in Britain are on a diet.

The fact worries their parents and teachers a lot.(改写成同位语从句)

__________ __________ __________two thirds of all girls in Britain are on a diet worries their parents and teachers a lot.

2. We should learn English well. I consider it necessary.(用it做形式宾语)

I consider__________necessary__________we should learn English well

3. That the earth moves around the sun is a fact.

(1)The fact__________ __________the earth moves around the sun.(表语从句)

(2)We know the fact__________the earth moves around the sun__________true. (同位语从句)

(3) My teacher told us__________the earth__________around the sun.(宾语从句)

(4)__________the teacher told us is__________the earth moves around the sun.(主语从句)

(5)The fact__________the teacher told us__________true.(定语从句)

(6) __________ __________, the earth moves around the sun. (介词短语)

4. When shall we meet? It depends on you.  

__________we shall meet__________on you. (主语从句)

5. They will give the money to whoever needs it most.

__________ __________who needs the money, they will give it to them. (状语从句)

6. Whoever comes is welcome.

(1)The person__________comes is welcome. (定语从句)

(2)__________ __________comes is welcome. (定语从句)

(3)__________ __________ __________comes, he will be welcome.(状语从句)

7. Whoever breaks the law shall be punished.

No matter who breaks the law, __________shall be punished. (状语从句)

8. We don’t know where to go next week.

  We don’t know where__________ __________go next week. (宾语从句)



1. 这就是鲁迅曾经住过的地方。

2. 他们就是这样赢得这场比赛的。

3. 这就是她今天早上起得这么早的原因。

4. 我们队取得决赛胜利的消息令人鼓舞。

5. 你告诉我们的消息真的令人鼓舞。

6. 我们明天是否要去野营取决于天气。

7. 他们讨论了下周是否要举行运动会。

8. 我想知道的是李明昨天没来上学的原因。

9. 他这次考试不及格使我们感到很惊讶。

10. 多少人要去开会还不知道。



1—5 ABABC  6—10 AABAC  11—15 BBCAB  16—20 BCBAA

21—25 BABAD  26—30 ADBCC 31—35 BBDBC  36—40 DCDDA

41—45 CBBBC  46—50 CCCBC

一 选择题,  1---5   ACCDB    6---10   BBABA

1. The fact,  that  2. it,  that   3. 1) is ,  that  2)  that,  moves  3) that,  moves

4). What,  that   5), that,   is  6) In fact    4.When,   depends

5. No matter    6. 1) Who    2) Anyone who    3) No matter who 7 he 8,we shall

1.This is where Lu Xun once lived.

2.That was how they won the match.

3.This is why she got up so early this morning

4.The news that our team has won the final match is encouraging.

5.The news that you told us is really encouraging.

6. Whether we'll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather

7. They discussed whether they would have a sports meeting next week.

8.What I want to know is why liming didn't come to school yesterday.

9.That he failed the exam makes/ made ue surprised.

  That he didn't passed the exam surpried us a a lot.

10.How many people will attend the meeting is unknown.



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